Extractor Essential oils 12 Liters

Code: E0134
Agritech ATS
D Buonasera, vorrei chiedere riguardo al rubinetto dell'acqua del circuito di raffreddamento del distillatore, non mi è chiaro se va tenuto sempre aperto per tutto il procedimento o se una volta riempito si può spegnere. Poi volevo sapere la temperatura corretta è 90/100? Grazie
R Si lo tenga sempre aperto (anche con poca acqua che circola, non serve tanta) in quanto è l'acqua fredda che fà condensare il vapore, confermo temperatura attorno ai 95-100 °C che è la temperatura di ebollizione a livello mare.
D quanti litri di acqua servono nella pentola da 12 litri? e quanti litri di acqua si distillano in media per avere una resa di olio a un costo apprezzabile? grazie Sergio
R Buongiorno, servono massimo un paio di litri di acqua sul fondo pentola, mentre la resa dipende sempre dal prodotto che si usa; per esempio con le scorze del limone si ha molta resa, in confronto con la menta se ne ha meno. Buona giornata, Benedetta.
Puller essential oils 12 Liters SPRING


The extractor for essential oils also commonly called alembic or distiller, is built entirely in stainless steel and is equipped with all the components in order to perform the process of extraction of essential oils.
The distillazaione in steam, and 'a technique to extract essential oils from the very fabric of medicinal plants (whether fresh or dried) through their transport by water vapor.
The passage of the steam generated by boiling of the water through the plant material, makes the cell walls more 'permeable, up to determinanarne breakage, and the leakage of the essential oil, which, is then condensed in a coil that chilled by a supply of fresh water allows separation in essential oil and aromatic water.
The essential oil (more 'light) is deposited on the surface since then has a density' below.

The kit includes the following items:
  • The heating boiler with a lid equipped with thermometer and safety cap
  • Grids: lower and upper
  • The connection pipe of the steam
  • The burette cooling to 5 bubbles with clamp
  • The cylinder collection essential oil
  • The connection pipe cooling circuit
  • And of course the user manual

FunzionamentoIl distiller is used for the extraction of essential oils from medicinal plants using the principle of the vapor stream. E 'can use the extractor (distiller) for all the fresh and dried plants whose oil can be extracted by steam.
Here is some of the various plants that can distiillare with the extractor: lavender, mint, rosemary, thyme, bay leaves, sage, oregano, chamomile, rose, eucalyptus, lemon balm, savory, wormwood, basil, herb verbena, cypress, pine , pine, helichrysum, geranium, eucalyptus, juniper, mastic, marjoram, parsley, rue, turpentine, valerian, and many others.

Use of 'Extractor:
  1. Enter the water in the boiler of the distiller until the touch grid on the bottom
  2. Place the plants in the distiller avoiding the creation of preferential channels for the leakage of steam
  3. Place the top grid and close the lid of the distiller
  4. Secure the cooling circuit in steel and the burette Pyrex glass
  5. Activate the heat source (stove or electric plate, gas stove or induction) and on reaching temperature of about 50 ° C to activate the cooling circuit.
  6. The steam will capture the portion of the essences contained in the plant which subsequently will separate physically to difference in specific weight between water and aromatic essential oil
  7. After about 60-70 minutes into the extraction, check the increase of the essential oil into the collecting cylinder.
  8. Turn off the heat source when the increase is negligible
  9. Recover the oil extracted through the tap positioned in the lower part of the burette and perform the cleaning of the distiller.

A: mm 200
B: mm 610
C: mm 300

Distillation of mandarin essential oil

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